Brian’s Blog

Welcome to Brian Timoney’s Acting Blog. Here you will find important information on acting and the acting industry, including breaking news! We are an acting school dedicated to method acting and business of acting techniques. Our updates and posts are like mini acting classes so don’t miss out and join us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for our regular updates!

The Method Acting Lie

Every time there is a media article about the hazards of method acting, they always tell one story repeatedly. And, repeatedly, they always get it wrong. Or worse, they know it’s wrong but tell the big fat lie anyway. It’s time to put this lie to bed once and for all.


Why Lady Gaga Takes It Home With Her

Lady Gaga was asked possibly the most ridiculous (but maybe not ridiculous) question I’ve ever heard. Here it is: “When you are acting, do you take the role home with you, or do you leave it on set?” She actually paused for a bit before answering this, not because she was concerned about the answer,…


What It Takes To Create A Work Of Art

Last week I went to the Tate to see an exhibition on the work of the French sculptor, Rodin. He produced some fantastic works of art including, The Kiss and The Thinker. Although, my favourite is The Burghers Of Calais. It’s a sculpture of six men with ropes around their necks. It was based on…


Why The Stanislavski System Is Dead

On this video, I discuss my controversial view on why I believe the Stanislavski System is dead.


How To Avoid The Wrong Acting Classes

The Truth About Choosing The Right Acting Classes If you want to avoid wasting years of your life and thousands of pounds on the wrong acting classes, then read on. When I first considered attending acting classes, I didn’t think through what kind of actor I wanted to be. I knew I wanted to act,…


The Shadow Careers Of Aspiring Actors

Before Al Pacino made it as an actor, he was a shy, introverted superintendent. Hard to believe now, but that’s what he was like back then. Then one day, something inside him clicked, and he knew he had to commit everything to become an actor. It’s was a big decision riddled with risk. If you…


The Crown (Netflix)

David Kerr completed the Ultimate Acting Programme and has since appeared in the Nextflix original production The Crown.


The Limitations Of Half Body Zoom Acting

At the moment, due to the joys of lockdown, we are restricted in what we can do. When I started my online Lockdown Acting intensive, I wasn’t sure how much could be achieved online, from an acting training point of view. A lot can be done as it turned out, but there is no replacement…


Daniel Day-Lewis – His Extensive Prep For Phantom Thread Revealed

This an interview with Marc Happel, who isn’t an acting teacher but Director of Costumes at the New York City Ballet. Daniel Day-Lewis spent a year with him, nearly every day, learning how to be a dress maker to prepare for the film Phantom Thread. It’s a fascinating interview which I highly recommend that you…


Kung Fu Acting

As a kid, I loved the TV series Kung Fu. If you have never seen it, it’s a bit like Karate Kid but better. Master Po, who is an old blind wise Kung Fu Master, instructs his young student, Caine, on how to become a Kung Fu expert. In his first lesson, Master Po easily…