12 Acting Breakthroughs!

12 Essential Acting Approaches To Become A Professional Acting Artist With A Profound Power To Impact An Audience', plus how to avoid the big aspiring actor mistakes – with Brian Timoney

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Dear Aspiring Actor,

If you are looking to touch and move an audience at a deep level then my Lockdown Acting Intensive is for you.

This course was recorded one year after the pandemic lockdowns in 2020 and is packed full of acting tools and techniques that I have used for decades, to turn aspiring actors into method acting professionals.

Here is a selection of specifics that I will cover:

  • The secret acting technique developed in Russia a hundred years ago that the KGB didn’t want you to know about
  • The scientific way to consistently deliver emotion on demand, even if you have the emotional range of a sociopath
  • 5 traits of successful professional actors that will shock you
  • How to learn lines so they are fresh and new every time you say them. HINT: Most actors learn lines in an incorrect manner
  • The seduction technique that all great actors use to make the audience fall in love with them
  • The four personality types that are attracted to acting. Two are perfect for acting, and the other two should never even consider becoming actors. All will be revealed!
  • The unconscious high wire acting trick done without a safety net
  • A virtual character creation box that will allow you to enter into the world of the character at will
  • My ‘twist the knife’ character circumstances approach which will allow you to genuinely feel their experiences
  • My end-to-end film acting brain dump. I will take you through everything I know about film acting and filmmaking so that you can act well on film and TV
  • The secret to revealing the unspoken truths between the lines of a script
  • How to unlock the natural flow of your physical instrument (i.e. your body) to physicalise the character
  • A process to forget yourself and act unconsciously.
  • How to immerse yourself entirely in the character, so that you see through their eyes.
  • An exercise to deal with mental and physical tension that can destroy your performance.
  • How to end the struggle and pain of self-conscious acting.
  • A technique that will allow you to accumulate the inner-life of the character.
  • How to physically express the character.
  • The concept of giving in to the character.
  • How to ‘Green Light’ your impulses.
  • How to quieten the chitter-chatter of your ‘actor’ mind and descend into the depths of the character.
  • Using a full body gesture to get you into character fast.
  • Creating a personal atmosphere of the character.
  • How to enter into spiritual naturalism to have a powerful communion with the audience.
  • The correct and most effective way to learn lines.
  • A way to avoid fakery and imitation.
  • How to prevent forcing emotions and experiences.
  • How to internalise the character’s life.
  • Using your breath to enter into a relationship with other characters and objects around you.
  • Creating emotion on demand.

Special Bonus - Only Available On This Page

Brian's Method Acting Manual (Normally £69) FREE

I have collected together some of my finest Method Acting materials together and created a Method Acting Manual that will provide you with clear instructions, exercises and techniques guaranteed to impact your acting ability at a deep level.

Here is what is included in the manual.

This exclusive manual has the following crammed into its 109 A4 pages:

  • A success indicator track to allow you to measure and detail your practice activities and the impact on your ability on a week to week basis.
  • Exercises on how to produce emotion on cue.
  • The progression of sense/emotional memory exercises to build sensitivity and concentration.
  • The 7 areas of investigation to apply to your scene work.
  • Connection exercises to allow you to build a strong connection with your scene partners.
  • 45 in-depth questions to answer to help build your characters history.
  • The 7 year rule.
  • How to build intricate and in-depth characters.
  • My own personal concepts and observations on acting.
  • The secret to creating exceptional talent…it’s learnable
  • Film and TV angles you need to know
  • Stage craft technique, including the 9 points of a stage and angles
  • Recommended reading list
  • Recommended plays and monologues
  • The 3 As that get mistaken for talent but take no talent to do.
  • Voice and movement skills you need to know.
  • Knowing how your habits affect your acting.
  • Understanding why taking direction is crucial.
  • How to overcome nerves using the Method relaxation technique
  • The ‘where am I right now?’ technique
  • The 6 parts of a play

…and much more

My 30-Day Personal Guarantee

I’m so confident that you will get everything I promised from this course and more, that if you disagree, I will give you your money back, no quibbles or hard feelings, within 30 days of purchase.

What You Get And How It Works

You click the button, pay your fee and get instant access to twelve 1-hour (approx.) videos, plus two bonus videos that have been pre-recorded and made available online.

You can work through the course at your own speed which is designed to take you from scratch to method acting mastery.

Who Is It For?

This course is for anyone who has a serious desire to be able to act at a profound level. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a pro, there is a very high probability that what you will learn on the course will be new to you regardless of level. The course takes you from scratch through my process which you can work through at your own speed.

The Lockdown Acting Itensive Intensive was one of the best courses I’ve ever done, like a complete overview of what you need to know about Method Acting if you are seriously thinking about learning the Method.

Nathan Parkin

This course far exceeded my expectations. I have been testing my interest in method acting for some time and Brian’s insightful teaching made me realise that this is something I now wish to pursue in some form. His passion and knowledge was always compelling and engaging.

Mark Lewis

I would like to thank Brian for the lockdown acting intensive course.

It’s been a course full of content, exercises and explanations of The Method technique. It gave me a completely different view about the approach of acting and thanks to his teaching I understood a better way to learn lines and approach acting in general. It was extremely interesting and I definitely would recommended it to other fellow actors.

Elena Bonino

I wanted to say that the intensive method acting course went beyond what I expected. Some years ago when I decided to pursue acting it was because of some of the great method actors I had seen in film. I felt it was a special gift given to a chosen few that they could act like that. After studying different acting techniques at acting school a couple of years ago I still felt something was missing, that I wasn’t quite getting the idea somehow. Well Brian really brought it all into sharp focus for me, he had a unique way of making me understand the process for me as an individual. His feed back and critiques were both inspiring and helpful, allowing me to feel that I was on the right path while giving me directions and a map to get to the next stage. It also reminded me why I want to act and that the gift is within all of us not just the few. I want to say a big thank you to you for giving me back the inspiration to act.

Ged Kirkman

Brian’s lockdown intensive connected me in ways I never imagined. It is thoughtful, insightful and interactive with a lot of content definitely worth the effort!

John Dwyer

I am a complete beginner in Method Acting. I am a Primary P.E. teacher. So, this course has been my first acting experience. During these lockdown weeks, I have learnt different techniques which boost my Method Acting skills. Brian has allowed us to record some self-tape in order to be critiqued by him in a very approachable way. This course has shown me how important it is to work the details as an actor, and to make your acting as real as possible whilst, at the same time, having a great time learning about yourself. Thanks Brian for being so inspirational for many of us

Jose Manuel Maestre

Amazing course with practical exercises that I did not know before, Brian is a good motivator and explains the secrets of Method Acting very well. Highly recommended also for the convenience of being able to watch on ‘catch-up’ recordings.

Alberto Santangelo

The lockdown intensive was such an amazing opportunity, and I’m so glad I signed up and gained a deeper understanding of how to reach next level as a method actor. Method acting gave me the acting bug, and although I trained & studied other methods, I never felt like they really suited me. Brian’s honest and straightforward feedback and coaching made me even more sure that this will be my path.

Daisy Kosmider

A lot of relevant content was covered in a short space of time and Brian delivered the course truthfully with a no-nonsense approach.

Chet Necati

Lockdown Acting Intensive was one of the best courses I’ve ever done, like a complete overview of what you need to know about Method Acting if you are seriously thinking about learning the Method.

Nathan Parkin

I’ve Just done Lockdown Acting Intensive. Brian is a great teacher who takes you through a journey which you can cherish till end of life. If you meticulously follow the process that he teaches, then trust me, one day you can become great at method acting.

Sudip Paul

Thank you for this brilliant course. I have learned so much about acting.

Magdalena Carlén Mahmutaj

I just completed the lockdown method course and found it to be really compelling. Brian is a great orator and teacher – tells the story of the method with great exercises that really get you into the zone of what it takes to bring your acting skills to the next level. I am beginner but found the sessions very useful, enlightening and full of golden nuggets – mainly in the form of stories about real actors, method exercises and great recommendations of films and scenes that are useful to watch. I loved the Q and A sessions as it made the video calls more human and connected. In fact it was so good I have signed up again!!

Mike Wyatt

I really enjoyed Brian Timoney’s ‘Lockdown Acting Intensive’ course. It gave me the keys to many of my acting dilemmas. Even though I realise there is more work I still need to do, I have gained clarity on the direction I need to take. Now I see the light! Thank you very much!

Kristina Evangelou

If like me you have flirted with Method Acting, realised that nearly all the actors whose work you admire are Method actors, read the books, tried out a couple of exercises and then due to the pace of life rushed on without further study, NOW is the perfect time to take a serious look at what Method acting is. Brian Timoney, Master of Method, is running a Lockdown Acting Intensive on Zoom. The course consists of 12 one-hour lessons, with extra time for questions, run over three weeks – Monday-Thursday from 11-12pm with video recordings of each class available in the Private Members’ Area for the duration of the course. In addition, and this is what sold it for me, you can send in a self-taped monologue each week for critique by Brian. The course is enjoyable, fun and very professional and provides an excellent grounding in the first steps to Method acting. I highly recommend the course and consider it extremely good value.

Jenny Ewart-Robb

I am really enjoying the Intensive Lockdown Course. It’s been really inspiring and refreshing! I’ve learned quite a lot in such a short time and Virtually! I wake up looking forward to the class because I know that I will learn something new! I depend a lot on my emotions to get to the characters state without doing many of the exercises Brian has given us but those exercises have helped me be more imaginative and get to know who my character truly is! I already feel in sync with my subconscious by doing these exercises daily. I love the fact that there’s no BS with how Brian teaches compared to a lot of classes I’ve been to, where it’s either fake or a short cut. There’s A LOT to take from what Brian says in one hour! And the fact that it’s both theoretical and practical (again virtually) is incredible! He really is generous with his teaching and with answering all your questions. I’ve already signed up for the third part of the intensive lockdown.

I also love Brian’s feedback on the self-tapes, I really needed that input because I always wonder what was missing from my auditions, and Brian’s comments are spot on in terms of identifying my strengths and weaknesses in a very constructive manner, It’s like he entered my subconscious to tell me things that I already somehow know but too scared to face. Really Helpful to nail my next audition!

Raneem Daoud

I am a beginner actress, and joined Brian’s lockdown course to enrich my acting skills and to learn about method acting. Firstly, I really enjoyed it, every single class was wisely diverse, providing the theory, practice and the constructive feedback. We have learnt several exercises and efficient instruments, helping to address our subconscious and act from the soul.

I definitely feel I have learnt a lot and am several steps closer to my acting career success. Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and professionalism, Brian and Natalie!

Veronika Kilmenko

If you want to learn to act the right way – this is the way to go.
He’s teaches you to be authentic and truthful by learning his techniques and acting tools. Brian also gives you an insight into the business along with some very important dos and dont’s! Who doesn’t want to improve? Get yourself on it – you won’t regret it.

Charlotte Coleman

If like me you’ve always been curious as to why some actors make you forget you’re watching a movie or a play and some others make your toes curl with embarrassment, sign up for the Lockdown Acting Intensive. Viewers are intelligent, they see through pretending. That’s why 80% of Oscar winners are method actors. These people know what they’re doing and consistently deliver excellence. If you want to find out if your favourite actors always “just play themselves” or if there’s some other kind of secret to their charisma, Brian Timoney has the answers.

This is my third time on the Lockdown Acting Intensive. During each and every one of these online acting classes I’m picking up new insights. Attending in real time with a group of my peers creates a special energy of its own. It’s 100% worth it to repeat the relaxation and focusing exercises on a daily basis and practice the acting etudes in a live online class environment. Recordings are available if you have to skip a live class. Also, Brian has recommended some epic industry books, I can feel my mind expanding!

Brian has gone back to the original source of the Method and this makes his teaching totally unique and special. His genuinely positive attitude, his storytelling ability and his dry sense of humour make the classes fun and enjoyable. But don’t get me wrong. This kind of authentic acting training is not for the faint hearted. You will get to know yourself and your gremlins. If you’re willing to challenge yourself, you can anticipate fantastic surprises and personal growth. And this is definitely the course for you if you also want to learn how the professional acting industry works.
What Brian teaches is all about freeing you up to be your own authentic self, based on the Method. This is the opposite of pretend kind of acting. Brian has carried out extensive research into techniques that give real results and he has taught successful actors out there. It’s called organic or unconscious acting for a reason. You unlock your creativity, and this opens you up to inspiration.

Amongst other things we’re learning how actors move their bodies, as opposed to the limited kind of physical movement that is standard for most of us in our daily lives. This has been one of the “wow” moments for me on this course: simply by learning to let my body move and breathe and vocalise more naturally and freely I have gained added focus and clarity in my thinking. I wasn’t even expecting that when I first signed up, in the beginning of the lockdown.

I am truly grateful that I’m able to attend the Lockdown Acting Intensive. Thank you, Brian. Thank you, Natalie & team, and all the other participants: I’m loving everybody’s questions during the classes.

Ella Jakobson

I totally recommend Brian’s online Lockdown Intensive classes. He introduces a way of acting that made all the pieces click into place for me. This is what’s been missing in my craft! I cannot stress enough how much I’ve learnt, how much it has encouraged me, and what lovely people I’ve met through these sessions. I went on to do the 5-day Etude Express in London and am now saving for the year-long course. The Timoney Method has given me a way to train the right way

Caeden Cann

I cannot put into words the power, impact and value of Brian’s teachings. I learned more in one week in the acting lockdown than I’ve learned in 10 years of traditional drama training.

To experience Brian teaching the classic Strasberg method, combined with the secret work of the great Russian masters, and taught through the lens of his own experience and enhanced method, is truly incredible.

The principles, techniques and practical work of Brian’s classes have been nothing short of life-changing as an artist. One class in particular provided me with a very elusive principle that had eluded me for some years as an actor. Master Timoney provided me with the answer! This lesson was actually worth a million pound’s to me personally, it was that valuable!

I would urge any actor to take this rare chance to learn the wisdom and teachings of a man who had dedicated his whole life to an art form at the highest level. You can also send Brian a personal self-tape and get priceless wisdom on your progress… One one tape Brian almost read my mind, so now his ability as a teacher is supernatural!

Brilliant, clear, concise, no-nonsense instruction by, the greatest acting teacher/coach working in the world today.

The Master teaches the real stuff of the greats.

7 lockdowns later and I’m still enthralled… Timoney is simply the King.

Nigel Wheatley

About Brian Timoney

Brian with method acting legend Al Pacino

Brian Timoney is one of the world’s leading acting coaches. He has worked in the industry for over 30 years and in every major acting medium conceivable, including TV, Film, Radio and Theatre.

He has worked as an actor, director, producer and acting coach and has first-hand experience of every part of the industry, and how to create stand-out performances. He is also the author of – The Ultimate Guide To Method Acting.

Brian has worked with hundreds of actors over the years and leading UK film directors Ken Loach and Danny Boyle.