Your Free Global Acting Broadcast Begins On






Your Acting Plan Of Attack

In this exclusive live global acting broadcast, you'll discover what to focus on during 2024 to transform your acting ability and business know-how.

What Brian Will Cover On This Global Acting Broadcast

  • Why 92% of aspiring actors fail
  • How to develop mental toughness to achieve your acting goals
  • How to avoid the mistakes made by aspiring actors
  • Brian’s acting success formula

About Your Acting Coach

Brian Timoney

The Master Of The Method

Brian Timoney is one of the world’s leading acting coaches. He has worked in the industry for over 30 years and in every major acting medium conceivable, including TV, Film, Radio and Theatre. He has worked as an actor, director, producer and acting coach and has first-hand experience of every part of the industry, and how to create stand-out performances. He is also the author of – The Ultimate Guide To Method Acting.

Brian has worked with hundreds of actors over the years and leading UK film directors Ken Loach and Danny Boyle.

Brian Timoney With Method Acting Legend Al Pacino.

Here Is More Of What You Will Discover On The Broadcast:

Five dangerous trends facing 9 to 5 professionals who want to become a pro actor
The hidden traits of the most successful actors in the world, (some of these will surprise you.)
The Pablo Picasso approach to acting success.
How to cut decades off the learning and acting achievement process.
The mistakes made by aspiring actors and how to avoid them
How to become a pro actor in 2024!
..And much more
Your Exclusive Global Acting Broadcast Is Starting Soon






Reserve Your Space on this Exclusive Global Acting Broadcast

Brian Timoney has trained hundreds of aspiring actors since he opened his studio in 2006. The tools and techniques he will share with you on this broadcast, have created outstanding results for his students.

© 2024 All rights reserved Brian Timoney Actors Studio Ltd

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